– University elections between 10.12. and 12.12.
– Postal vote application until 20.11. at
– FSR nominations until 19 November at
Our Candidates
We are standing for election for your concerns, out of passion!

Johannes Schumann
Hey, fellow students 👋
I am Johannes. I am currently studying for a bachelor’s degree, but will most likely switch to a master’s degree in the coming semester.
At the FSR, I am currently involved, among other things, in planning events such as the freshers introduction and public relations. I work on the Bachelor’s academic-affairs-committee and the lab-course-committee of the faculty to further develop the course of study and adapt it to your wishes. At the MatNat Convent, I planned and carried out events together with representatives from other student councils, including to support queer students.
would like to continue my work in the coming year and always have an open ear and heart 💖 for you!
I am very happy about your vote!

Peter Maximilian Fischer
Moin, Servus and Gude,
I'm Peter and I'm studying for a Master's degree in physics. I also did my Bachelor's degree in Dresden, and I started my one-year research phase in mid-October. I've only been on the student council for a year, but I've been able to gain a lot of experience in event planning and various committees, for example I helped organize the last summer barbecue and our nitrogen ice cream at the long night of science, and I took care of the karaoke evening in the HäMa at the first semesters introduction. I was also involved in the Bachelor's examination board, the commission responsible for teaching and the admissions committee for the Master's program. This time I'm also standing for election to the Faculty Council. Translated with (free version)
So, go vote (preferably for me 😉 ) and always have fun with your studies and everything around it!

Nathan Cassack
I'm Nathan and I'm in my third semester of a Bachelor's degree in Physics with a minor in Philosophy. After gaining an insight into the work of the student council last year and helping out at several events (FZB, first semesters introduction, long night of sciences,...), you have the opportunity to elect me to the studentcouncil for the first time in this year's elections. I would like to help ensure that the excellent work of the student council continues in the future and make your studies at least a little more enjoyable.
But I can only do this with your support, so be sure to vote!

Antonia Bähr
Hello there,
I'm Antonia, in my 4th master's semester, and I've been on the student council for one term! In addition to sitting on the classic committees (I spend a few hours every two weeks in the Sturaplenum, for example), I organized the FLINTA* breakfast last year and will of course continue to do so for another year. As course coordinator for the Master's program, I was also the person to contact when problems arose in the Master's program!
Otherwise, I've been involved in Tuuwi (TU Environmental Initiative) since this semester, where I'm mainly campaigning for more sustainable canteens.
I would be very happy about your vote and see you soon,

Ryan Vidash Wickremasinghe
Hey Physics Studis,
I’m Ryan Wickremasinghe, a 7th-semester Physics student from Sri Lanka. I’ve been part of the FSR since my 3rd semester, helping organize and run events like ESE and Feuerzangenbowle. I’m also active in the StuKo, where I bring an international student perspective to the table.
I joined the FSR because I believe it plays a vital role in helping students connect, especially at the beginning of their journey. These connections make life as a physics student so much more fun and rewarding. My goal is to keep building that sense of community and making student life as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible!

Luca Julien Fischer
Dear students,
I'm Luca, I'm in the first semester of my Master, I did my Bachelor's here in Dresden and I've been a member of the FSR since my first semester.
I really enjoy doing sports and my free time revolves around athletics, tennis, football and cycling.
You may know me from the study room, but I also do things in the FSR... For example, I organize the course evaluation and I'm on the study commission (which is responsible for improving teaching).
I really enjoy working in the FSR and if you give me your vote, you'll benefit from it too ;).

Annika Seltmann
I'm Annika, originally from the Ore Mountains and I'm now in my 5th Bachelor semester. I've been a member of the student council since my first semester and have helped organize many events in recent years, such as the summer barbecue and the Feuerzangenbowle as well as the first semesters introduction. I also sat on the Faculty Council and the Study Commission last year. I really enjoyed that, which is why I want to stay on the FSR. Next year, I want to continue organizing cool events and I'm also standing for election to the Faculty Council again.
I would be very happy about your vote, happy voting!

Henning Schorr
Hello everyone,
I am Henning. I'm studying to be a teacher, with physics and ethics as my subject combination. This year I'm on the ballot for the first time. In the student council, I would like to get involved in organizing lots of great events for you. For example, I am a big fan of our Feuerzangenbowle and would like to help create such unforgettable evenings in the future.
I am counting on your vote from December 10 to 12 so that I can provide you with advice and support in the future!
See you on campus 👋.

Claas Torben Matthäus
Welcome to the depths of the FRS site. Here are a few words about me so that you know who you can vote for.
I'm in the 5th semester of my bachelor's degree in physics and I'm standing for the 3rd time in the upcoming election year. I have a lot of fun organizing various events, but I also sit on some committees such as the study commission or represent the Stura. This year I'm standing for the Faculty Council again to represent the student body in the faculty.
Finally, I would just like to ask you to vote again this year, both for the FSR and for the Senate.
Dear students,
It's almost that time again and the annual university elections are just around the corner. In the period from 10.12. to 12.12. habt ihr die Möglichkeit, eure studentischen Vertreter*innen in die verschiedenen Unigremien, wie FSR oder Senat, zu wählen, oder sogar selbst zu kandidieren. Dafür braucht ihr nur euren Studi- und Personalausweis und ein paar Minuten Zeit.
Bei den Wahlen hat jede Fachschaft ihren eigenen Wahlstand, nach Möglichkeit dort an der TU, wo ihr auch unterwegs seid. Die Wahlstände der Mathematik und der Physik befinden sich im Café im Trefftzbau, im ersten Stock direkt unter dem Physik-Hörsaal. Weitere Infos zu den Wahlen findet ihr auch unter
Not around? - Apply for a postal vote!
If you are not in Dresden during the election period or cannot make it to the voting booth, you have the option of voting by post. The postal voting documents can be conveniently ordered by Wednesday, 20.11., at .
You can choose whether you want to have the documents sent to your home or pick them up at the StuRa-Baracke on campus. After November 20, up to and including December 5, postal voting documents can only be requested for personal collection at StuRa-Baracke.
Run for office yourself?
However, you can not only elect your student representatives, but also become active yourself, for example in your student council. Candidates can put themselves forward for the FSR election until 19.11. at 15:00. The relevant form is available at You are also welcome to get in touch with your FSR. They can answer questions about their work and will be happy to support you with your candidacy.
Why run for the FSR?
The Student Representative Council (FSR) is a student interest group and supports you with subject-specific problems as well as with orientation at the university (first semester introduction, ESE). It offers useful tips and assistance such as exam collections and counselling services. It also organises intercultural evenings, excursions and parties. As a member, you can also be elected to commissions, committees and other bodies and have a direct influence on the revision of study documents or the appointment of professors on the degree programme. It therefore takes many committed people to cover the various areas of responsibility and together form a strong student representative body.
Do you have any further questions about the university elections? Then take a look at the link and in any case at your voting booth.
Your StuRa and PFSR