An der Universität gibt es diverse Ämter, Kommissionen und Ausschüsse, welche mehr oder weniger direkte Auswirkung auf euren und zukünftige Studiengänge haben. Hier findet ihr eine Übersicht darüber, welche Gremien alles existieren und was für Aufgaben diese haben.
The Student Council of the TU Dresden (StuRa) is a body formed by representatives of the individual student councils (and the managing director of the StuRa). Since the physics student council is one of the smaller ones at the university, the physics student council regularly sends exactly one representative to the StuRa. In particular, this representative must attend the meetings of the StuRa and report to the student council. In addition, there are two more representatives in this legislative period, because the FSR Physics sends two directors.
The StuRa represents the student body and thus the interests of the students. This includes communication with the university, politics and of course the student councils, but also the concerns and applications of students, groups and student councils that are presented to the StuRa.
Zusätzlich bietet der StuRa noch zahlreiche Angebote vor Ort wie z.B. Beratungsangebote für Studium, BAföG etc, die Studentische Arbeitsvermittlung STAV, Hochschulgruppen und vieles mehr. Alles weitere findet ihr auf der Hompage des StuRa:
The study commissions take care of the smooth running of your studies. That is, they deal with all matters of teaching and study organization.
Zur Zeit gibt es sechs Studiengänge für Physik an der TU Dresden: Diplom, Bachelor, Master, Bachelor und Master für Lehramt, sowie Staatsexamen für Lehramt. Die Studienkommissionen für Lehramt sind fachübergreifend im ZLSB angesiedelt. Die Physik hat dazu eine eigene informelle „Expertenkommission Lehramt“.
The study commissions create, revise and improve the study regulations of the respective study programs. They also deal with current problems in teaching, i.e. they are always open to your suggestions. No matter if there are too many students, if you have suggestions on how to improve a module or its exams, or if lectures in the minor subject cannot take place as planned - we are happy to help you and are looking forward to your feedback on how your studies are going. For that please contact one of the FSR members.
An overview of the members of the study commission can be found at Committees.
The work of the study commission is accompanied by the two study program coordinators, to whom one can also turn with more personal problems of study organization.
Admissions Committee
Der Zulassungsausschuss beschäftigt sich mit der Zulassung zu den Physik Masterstudiengängen. Das betrifft in der Regel nur Bewerber, welche nicht einen Bachelor-Physik-Studiengang abgelegt haben oder diesen an einer ausländischen Hochschule erworben haben. Er besteht aus 2 Professor*innen, 1 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter*in und einer studentischen Vertretung, welche von der Studienkommission entsendet werden.
The Audit Committee meets only when necessary. The need always exists when problems arise that affect exams. This is the case when procedures have to be rearranged, you make a request for a special arrangement (e.g. you want to take another minor subject) or you feel that you have been treated unfairly during the examination. In the latter case, of course, you should always talk to the persons concerned first. That is, talk to the examiner, the assessor or possibly the examination office. Only if no agreement is foreseeable will the examination board be convened and a decision made on the basis of the examination regulations. To ensure that the student perspective is also represented, student representatives are sent by the FSR.
Fortunately, the exams in physics are very fair, so that the examination board rarely has to meet. Nevertheless, please do not hesitate to contact us in case of difficulties or inconsistencies!
Es gibt jeweil einen Prüfungsausschuss für den Bachelor, Master und das Lehramt.
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council (FakRat) is the highest body of the faculty.
Als Fachrichtung sind wir eines der 5 Mitglieder in der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät. Diese besteht ansonsten aus den Fachrichtungen Chemie, Biologie, Psychologie und Mathematik.
The highest body at this level is headed by the dean, and all student councils are allowed to send several student representatives, depending on the list position of their candidates.
Hier ist jedoch nicht die Quantität der Studierenden entscheidend, sondern eher der Fakt, dass möglichst jede Fachrichtung, so auch die Physik, einen Vertreter entsendet, der die Informationen von sehr hoher Stelle direkt abgreift und transparent in die Fachrichtung trägt. Da wir insgesamt 6 Plätze haben wird versucht, neben den 5 Fachrichtungen, auch einen Lehramtsstudenten in den Fakultätsrat zu bekommen.
The FakRat confirms all decisions of the faculties, is responsible for the entire job and staffing policy as well as the doctoral program of the faculties. Also, the dean is the "guardian" of teaching in his faculty. Therefore, if there are serious problems in the department, it is sometimes worthwhile to talk to the dean, the "superior" of the speakers of the departments.
Die FakRat-Vertreter haben einen eigenen Verteiler für Absprachen. (
Expert Commission
Students and all institutes (professors and university staff) of the physics department are represented in the departmental committee. This committee is convened once a month and discusses financial and research-related, as well as study and personnel matters of the department. For example, it announces the completion of post-doctoral theses, diploma theses, and doctoral theses, announces events in the department, and discusses communications from the student council.
The budgets of the department are also published in this body and the future concept of the department is developed. Within the framework of the appointment of professorships, the Expert Commission confirms the composition of the appointment committees and the list of candidates for professorships. The Expert Commission is authorized to award research sabbaticals and private lectureships.
Der Senat ist das höchste Gremium der akademischen Selbstverwaltung.
It decides everything fundamental, such as study regulations, and university-wide, such as the distribution of budget funds. It consists of representatives of the individual status groups:
- 11 Professors
- 4 scientific employees
- 2 other employees
- 4 students
Die studentischen Senatoren werden von allen Studenten der Universität auf ein Jahr gewählt. (zu erreichen sind die studentischen Senatoren über folgenden Verteiler:
Die anderen Mitglieder werden auf 5 Jahre nach dem sogenannten Wahlkreissystem von den jeweiligen Statusgruppen gewählt.
In order to cope with the large number of tasks, the Senate forms commissions in which work and resolution proposals are prepared. The members of the senate commissions are appointed by the senate and do not have to be members of the senate.
The are 5 Senatskommissionen:
- Senate commission Teaching
- Senate Commission on Budget, Structure and Planning
- Senate Commission on Equality and Diversity Management
- Senate Commission for Young Scientists
- Senate commission Research
Responsible for amendments to the Basic Regulations of the TU Dresden, as well as the election of the Rector, is the Extended senate . This is composed of the members of the Senate and following additional members:
- 11 Professors
- 4 scientific employees
- 3 other employees
- 4 students