General things about the study programm

Studying physics in Dresden

There are many good reasons to study physics in Dresden. Since 2012 the full time university TU Dresden (TUD) is one of Germany's "universities of excellence". At the TU Dresden exists a good communication between the students and the teachers, which is supported by the "buddy program" and the smalll exercise groups of 10-20 students. Of course, it is also possible to write an e-mail directly to your tutor or professor or to ask them questions during their office hours. The professors always try to coordinate all lectures and exercises. The working atmosphere is not only very good during the lecture period. Also during the exam period you can work very well in the Saxon State Library - State and University Library, short SLUB. The SLUB offers students a very large selection of books and many workstations. During the lecture period, these are also sufficient, but during the exam period, you have to get up early to get a place. Both in the TUD and in the SLUB, there is internet access in most locations via Wifi. Additionally in the physics building, there are two PC-pools and a common room, the so called "Kuschelecke"(REC/D103), which you can use freely

The study program at the TUD offers sufficient opportunities to deepen one's knowledge in one's preferred fields. This is because in addition to the six specialization areas of the master's degree, which correspond to the six university physics institutes, there are also many non-university institutes in Dresden. These include the HZDR (Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf), four Max Planck Institutes, 10 Fraunhofer Institutes and two Leibniz Institutes. In addition, it is easy to participate in current research and state-of-the-art experiments as a student assistant, especially in physics studies.

Current Courses

Since the summer semester 2024 all courses can be found on the study plattform "selma"

Exam preparation

On and the physics forum you can find old exams and antestat questions for preparation. Please note that these are not official web pages of the PFSR. The content on is only available via the TU internal data network or an according VPN connection.

Services of the TU-Dresden